Lisa Ishwari Murphy
FOUNDER - Sva Ha Yoga Academy
FOUNDER - Fairhaven Healing Arts Center
Lisa Ishwari Murphy is a Master Energy Healer, International Teacher, and Author. She founded a beloved wellness center, Fairhaven Healing Arts Center and a yoga sound healing training academy, Sva Ha Yoga and the Synergy of Sound. She is also the co-creator of the Oracle Healing Mandala Drum™ a revolutionary sound healing instrument used for the activation of psychic awareness and for connection with divine energies. Lisa offers 30 years of service and experience as a Teacher, Transformational Body Worker, Sacred Sound Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Mediator, Energy for Life Coach, Yoga Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner of Tibetan Bon, Inca and Native American traditions. Some of the teachers and mentors Lisa has worked with include, Tom Kenyon, Zacciah Blackburn, Dr. Mitch Nur, Two Horses Running, Jose Luis Herrera, Dr. Alberto Viloldo and Swami Satchidananda.
Lisa's gift of healing was revealed to her as a young child, when she discovered she has the innate ability to connect with other beings on an energetic level. Guided by her perception of auric fields and energy, she pinpoints imbalances in the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual fields, allowing her clients to transmute their shadow into light and attain a balanced and joyful state of being. Lisa has helped people from all walks of life heal from illnesses which traditional medicine has had no remedy for.
Lisa’s Story… "As deep as you go, is as light as you become. That is why angels fly."
I am at the beach where I am so blessed to live, listening to the waves rhythmically wash over the shore as I write my journey into Sva Ha Yoga and the Synergy of Sound Training Academy and the creation of our Shambhalla. My heart is filled with gratitude and the light fills me up. A kind of Bliss that is hard to that comes from a journey thru darkness and into the light. My Journey to Sva Ha began at 5:00 am under a Libra Moon on October 1st, 1964.
The doctor told my Mom there were 3 heartbeats, and when we were born, there were only two. Some things remain a mystery. My twin Sister came into the world 70 minutes after me.
When I was six years old, I was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and a mild form of mental retardation that they would later diagnose as Autism. I was taken out of school as my twin went on to finish first grade. At the age of seven, we moved to Cape Cod and it was as if my soul exhaled and my mind, body and spirit rejoiced. I felt at home by the sea. I walked where Native Americans had lived thousands of years before me and I could feel the energy of the land.
I went in to first grade at 7 years old and found that my brain could absorb and learn better than when I lived in the city. When my brain would become over stimulated, I could not think clearly, words would get all jumbled up, I would rock back and forth, and I traveled far away in my own world of my imagination. I discovered that when I went out into nature, climbed trees, and swam in the ocean, I felt so happy and carefree. My brain was clear, and my thinking was in the moment. I began to ask questions to God when I was in nature. I asked why the words that I heard out loud were so different than the thoughts I could hear. An energy that felt like electricity moved up and down my body and answers rhythmically came pouring through me.
Somewhere inside of me understood, and a peace washed over me. Nature spoke a formula which I would write down, and it would calm my brain and nervous system. I was tapped into the laws of the Universe, the energy, rhythm, and pulse of the earth. I was connected to the Universal language that animals, nature and indigenous people were tapped into. My brain was connected to the rhythm of my heart and the Schumann resonance of the Earth. My brain felt clear when I was connected, and I felt the universal intelligence that I would say created a brilliant clarity in my heart and mind.
When I was 9 years old, I fell through the ice trying to save my dog. My best friend Brenda was there with me. We were were in the middle of the lake and I fell down several feet into the water. I felt a peace come over me and suddenly I was being pushed up by what I would come to know as angels lifting me through a spiraling tunnel of blazing white light, hearing a deep tone vibrating through my body like the sound of Ohmmm. Angels were all around me and I was lifted through the hole in the ice. I emerged to hear the screams of my friend and my dog barking. I walked over to her and hugged her and let her know I’m ok. She said I had been in the water for over 10 minutes. But I knew the angels had brought me safely home.
My next near death experience happened in a car accident in which I saw a blinding light again and was standing outside of my car unharmed and assisted by this beautiful, kind old woman who let me use her phone to call my sister for help. My car was demolished, the entire front of the car was crushed. I was told no one could survive such a crash. I know that a part of me wanted to be with the angels and I heard a voice tell me that I had work to do here. That it’s time to begin.
I was led on a journey to California. When I asked questions from my heart, I could feel the pulse of the Universe and would be led on a quest to receive the answers. I asked to know the wisdom of nature and to fully understand the words that I wrote as a young child. I was led to an African woman named Nadaka Quadaii, who was a healer and Natural Doctor. She said she had a book she felt led to give me called Survival of the 21st Century. I read it like a Bible. I
became a vegetarian and she led me to a school called Mueller College for Holistic Studies. I finished the holistic program and wanted to know more. And so, I was led to a monastery up in the mountains called Madre Grande. When I got to the top of the mountains, I saw many people walking and they asked me if I was there for the sweat lodge. They invited me to join them in a Lakota Sweat lodge lead by an elder. I would go there many times and participate and have many mystical encounters. I asked for healing and prayed for all people to feel this level of connection to the natural world. I would spend weekends in the monastery at least once a month to be part of the sweat lodge, to go hiking, to meditate and to do yoga and spend nights in the rock caves. I saw mountain lions, owls, coyotes and many other animals. The monastery had monks from an ecclesiastic order and Lakota Medicine people who lived there. Everything was off grid. All electricity was solar, and wind power and harnessed from the river and natural springs. There were fruit trees, nut trees and vegetable gardens. I studied with one monk named Doug who had a holistic school in which he taught Energy Based body work. He taught me how to feel the pulse, to rhythmically run in nature , and to feel the energy of the Universe. I felt so blessed.
I would go on to meet many indigenous elders, medicine people who connected to streams of consciousness and orally and energetically transmitted to me the laws of nature and their symbols. The enlivened language of their ancestors rhythmically entered my body, mind and spirit and my energy field. Indigenous people of all cultures would use Sacred instruments and connect to the heartbeat of Mother Earth with the drum and play the songs of the rivers and the wind with the flute and didgeridoo. I connected to the elements and learned the songs of the rivers. I felt the pulse of the energy as it moved through the trees and the mountains and I began to know that we were also pulsing energy through our energy lines, and through a pranic tube that circles around our spine. Our chakras hold spiraling vortexes of energy that connect to the energy field of all living things. I learned that I could bring my mind to zero balance, through rhythmically running and connecting to the Now and to the pulse of nature. The monks would connect to the precious metals of the earth
and sounds of the cosmos and the rhythmic pulse in prayer/mantra as they made the medicine bowls. I trained in being able to give from the receiving of oral transmission and to transmit these teachings using the vital, organic energy of the words rather than from the clouded projection of modern understanding of words.
At 26, I came home to Cape Cod, as my father had a heart attack and passed away and my mom needed help. My dad had a heart attack many years before in which his heart stropped, and they had to bring him back to life. He told me that he saw a white light and a peace that came over him and he was no longer afraid to die. He became more emotional when his heart was reset.While living on The Cape, I took more classes and learned Polarity, Craniosacral, Trager work, Myofascial Release, and many more classes to understand the energetic pulse and how to intuitively listen to this pulse. I worked out of the Falmouth Healing Arts Center owned by Jane Parhiala. We made up a team of acupuncturist, shiatsu practitioners, massage therapists, body workers and energy workers. My practice was full right away and I realized that learning a rhythmic, meditative practice, connecting the body and breath, while keeping my body flexible would be essential. I ran several miles a day in the zone and rode my bike as well.
I was led to study with Swami Satchidananda in the blue ridge mountains of Virginia. His eyes were sparkly and his smile infectious. His philosophy for Integral yoga was that there are many paths and one truth. He was peaceful and children loved him, and his voice was calm and rhythmic. I felt soothed by his presence. I would go into a state of deep surrender, peace, and feel the many emotions of love when in his presence. His name meant Truth, Knowledge, Bliss. While in the monastery I enjoyed the peace, the kirtan, music, sounds of nature,
the sound of flowing water everywhere. I developed deep relationships with the other students and the monks that were our teachers. I also studied the Yoga of Psychology with Satchidinanda and from him I learned how psychological health and well being is tied to our yoga practice. I loved being immersed in the yogic culture and lifestyle. Swami Satchidinanda gave me the name Ishwari. A name I‘m still learning to embody and embrace its nectar and feel its expansive truth. Ishwari means the divine feminine creative spark of the Universe. Swami G said, “We must be the spark o f light in this world, while holding an intention of union and discipline as we lovingly witness our desires.” He was an example of a strong, spacious, happy, and free being as he shared his wisdom and compassion.
I went on to study Phoenix Rising at Kripalu for two years and really loved the one on one approach of releasing holding patters, deep listening and then placing rhythmic affirmations into the postures. I witnessed painful holding patterns liberate along with the limits stories that came with them. I learned Cardiac Yoga at The Integral Institute in Virginia with a Natural Doctor and a Medical Heart Doctor who were yoga teachers. I had deep empathy for what my dad went through and so many others who suffer heart attacks and strokes.
I got married to a lovely man who did yoga with me, enjoyed nature as much as I did, and went running with me. We had a child named Adam, and I studied prenatal and postnatal yoga during this time, becoming trained in teaching the benefits of yoga for women during this beautiful time of their lives. It seems that whatever experience I went through, there was a yoga training that would support. I did more experimenting with how limitless and miraculous our minds can be as we discipline with meditation and hold a vision of ourselves achieving our goals and intentions. I studied with Doctor Henry Smith Rowenburg and learned how to walk through hundreds of feet of fire while never burning my feet. I trained extensively in breath work and I climbed the base of Everest,
hiked up Machu Picchu effortlessly and learned how to generate energy doing mantra and connecting to my prana and the infinite energy of the universe.
The time had come in my thirties where I felt this strong desire to study sound. It was the thread that weaved a Universal language through all cultures, a language we all speak. I studied for ten years with Tom Kenyon, founder of Acoustic Brain Research and an avant garde in the field of sound healing. I studied with a passion, read everything I could. I learned the science of sound and studied the research from Doctor Hans Jennings, Tesla, Einstein, Doctor Mitch Gainer, and so many others. I eventually was led to study Sacred Sound with Doctor Mitch Nuir and his wife Two Horses Running in a 9 day retreat called 9 Ways Mystery School.
I studied with Two Horses Running for 3 years and learned the medicine of the Tibetan culture, Bon Po and Cherokee along with journey work. I learned how to see the unseen world and to connect with the spirit that lived in all things. I received my foundations through oral transmissions and doing 1000s of hours of practice and mantra. I learned that the infinite energy that lives in all things (the plants, trees, mountains, birds, rivers and streams) and that runs through vectors or energy lines through the earth and in the planets is called Scalar Energy. This Scalar Energy is in our DNA and is called Bio Scalar. We can access this energy through rhythm, such as running, dancing, creating, meditation, visualization and through music, mantra and sound. We can support this energy with live foods fresh from the vine, energy work, yoga, etc.
I continued to study Tesla. I was led to learning how to harness this energy and connect to the bio scalar with our DNA with Doctor Valerie Hunts life’s work. I use her book, The Infinite Mind, in my energy medicine classes along with the book, The Whole Elephant Revealed by Marjorie Devries, which is a beautiful book on the natural laws. I understood in an embodied way how infinite energy is harnessed and generated using the laws of nature. I understood that harnessing this energy is done while always being in a rhythmic state and consciously aware of your breath, and your brain states, with your heart beat pulsing to the Earth’s pulse, otherwise known as the Schumann resonance.
Natural laws, scalar and bio scalar energy, the pulse of sound, intention and meditation all weave a tapestry to create a potent high voltage connection into the streams of consciousness that allows us to communicate from our deepest place (some call this Spirit), and communicate with the trees and connect to the consciousness that lives in everything. Our ancestors once knew this form of communication. It can only be accessed through the heart.
I developed Sva Ha Yoga and the Synergy of sound Training Academy by weaving the tapestry of The Sound Body of Knowledge our Ancestors knew for thousands of years. It is based on the foundations of Natural Law. I quested with all my heart for the right people to come. I would cast my silvery net around the sea of starts illumined by the sun and moon out to the Universe and my prayers were answered. This led to the creation of our Shambhalla and the Sva Ha Academy. Sva Ha Yoga and the synergy of Sound training Academy is unique in that it is orally transmitted and used the language of nature and natural law and is rhythmically infused into the students’ conscious energy fields. Teachers use sound and music to rhythmically pulse the energy into the students’ energy fields while instructing people into meditation practice, asana, energy medicine, shamanic practices, mediumship, sacred sound, and ...?? please add in here. The Shambhalla community and teachers in Sva Ha Academy come from a blend of traditions and backgrounds. I am eternally grateful for their dedication, discipline and open hearted fearlessness to be in the Power of the Eternal Now when they teach.