Certification Programs 

with Master Energy Healer Lisa Ishwari Murphy

Unlock Your Potential and Tap Into Infinite Reserves of Energy and Radiant Health

with Master Energy Healer Lisa Ishwari Murphy - LMT, DD, HP, RMT, TBW, ERYT 500

Energy For Life Coaching™

2025 - 6 Month Program meets monthly on Saturdays 11am-5pm with additional support calls & sessions

June 7th, July 12th, August 30th, October 4th

Sva Ha Academy - 675 Orchard St, New Bedford, MA 02744

Voice, Rhythm and Sacred Sound Healing

Transform your life by mastering your energy using ancient and modern techniques. Energy for Life Coaching™ is a truly unique and highly effective practice, which shifts old patterns and belief systems through voice, rhythm, and sound healing. In this course, you will gain an understanding of how energy and sacred sound are used to harmonize discordant thoughts and emotions, unblock stagnate energy, and increase flow. Through optimal imagining you will break conditionings and belief systems that are not in rhythm, creating a frequency of optimal health and manifestation. 

Bioscalar (Radiant Life Force) Energy

Bioscalar Energy is the life force within the body, and in all living things. It’s in your cells, your nervous system, and your DNA. This life force increases as you balance your auric field. When you connect with the pulse of the universe, with the sounds of the universe, you become a conduit between heaven and earth. And you activate this energy within you. As your life force increases, you begin to live a life with infinite energy and flow. This becomes Integrated with learning your life purpose and embodying your most optimal self. A Bioscalar meditation practice will be used to increase your life force and tap into the life force in everything. We will utilize the tools of optimal imagining, embodiment and efficiency of time and energy, in order to increase your quality of life and energy levels. You will learn how to be in the highest frequency and move with laser beam clarity, without distraction; to move in that frequency and travel like the eye of the storm. This leads to breaking conditionings and belief systems that are not rhythmic, and ignites a shift from the cortex (the stressed out part) of the brain to the frontal lobe, and stay in this calm and meditative state for 80% of the time.

Work with Clients

This program will instruct you on how to teach others to live a meditative life in rhythm and flow. You will learn to design individualized healing sessions, in resonance with your client’s energy. You will learn how to consciously read the energy field of your client while working with Natural Law; the art of manifesting from rhythm, flow and vibration by channeling the healing energies of the Earth. You will learn how to generate life force, and to continue to ignite life force to activate the Law of Attraction.

Upon completing this course, you will be able to successfully teach your clients how to be in flow, reduce stress, manifest the life of their dreams, increase life force, teach meditation, teach and demonstrate pranayama,  teach how to eat for vitality and reduction of disease, and drastically reduce limiting fear patterns and habits to life affirming and  a high vibrational life living in the power of now.

Clients typically experience: Reduced stress and anxiety - Enhanced relaxation - Elevated mood - Improvement in sleep Increased physical energy - Increased focus and memory - Decreased pain in the body - Reduced Inflammation

*Prerequisite Reading: Biology Of Belief by Bruce Lipton & The Whole Elephant by Marja de vries

Saturdays 11am-5pm

  • June 7th

    Learn the Bioscalar Activation Meditation: a unique grounding practice that allows one to connect to the Schumann resonance of the Earth to experience and connect with the consciousness and life force of the Earth. In this way we experience the pulse which reboots our brain coming into zero balance and allowing us be in the flow and in the power of Now.

    Shifting brain states from stress(the cortex of the brain) to the frontal Lobe of the brain(relaxed state)

    Releasing limited belief systems and the biological effects(anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, etc) they have on our Adrenal glands, heart,  nervous system and muscular and skeletal systems.

    Introduction to the Natural Laws, a set of laws that connect us to nature and a balanced way of life. Living in harmony with our selves and others. 

    Two laws, Law of Rhythm(coming into flow) and law of Attraction(the keys to Manifesting)

    Intro to the art of Manifesting 

    Shifting from the judging observer to the Loving witness(conscious observer)

  • July 12th

    The power of Intention: 

    Practicing bringing the voice into flow 

    High vibrational and inspiration language to elevate your clients

    The art of listening to your clients

    The law of resonance and synchronicity and how it applies to your clients

    Activating intuition and awakening the power with in the client

    The law of entrainment and life force activation

    Intro to Sound as a rhythm tool and the carrier of intention.

    The formula to Manifesting radiant health and Radiant Wealth on all levels in your life and in your clients

  • August 30th

    Introduction to our Subtle energy body, learning how to activate vital energy and ignite the high voltage photons with in the DNA to raise the millivolts in each cell for greater vitality and health for ourselves and our clients. 

    Intro to the the Electrical fields that we Emit to each as a way of communicating with our clients thus activating the pineal gland and awakening our intuition.

    Learning how to find our clients life’s purpose and highest most optimal life that is with in the clients timeline

    Learning the power of imagination and embodiment and practicing with our clients as a way to shift and change neural patterning 

    Shifting patterns of negative draining habits and addictions to empowering life giving choices that benefit ourselves and our clients.

    Choosing 3 clients we will work with until the completion of our class.  Exercise one: finding their life’s purpose, shifting 3 obstacles and identifying receptive patterns that keep them from success, teaching them and activating the bioscalar(life force) with in their 

    DNA and finding 3 intentions in which they will manifest into their life 

  • October 4th

    Teaching the law of compensation, more in depth teaching of the law of Vibration, attraction and attention as it applies to manifesting. Activating discipline as a way of freely choosing what benefits us in a consistent manner to build vital vital energy, and ultimate happiness and how it applies to the law of reciprocity and equanimity. 

    Connecting to the quantum field as a form of accessing information pertinent to the client.

    Teaching the power of Empathy and how to entrain to the highest potential with in your client, accessing the power of peace with in the client. 

    Practicing on each other as clients and coaches and sharing insights on the results as I mentor each one of the students. 

    Questions and explorations, and insights shared 

    Intro to identifying and releasing individual and ancestral traumas which keep us in fear patterns. 

    Homework: writing in the dream journals, working with the 3 clients, doing bioscalar meditation daily, daily rhythmic practices and breath work. Food as a source of vital life force and eliminating/reducing inflammation and disease.

  • Date TBA

    Demo of Bioscalar  with students practicing the meditation 

    on each other. More practice and teachings of Natural laws as a natural way of living. 

    More teaching of release of fear base patterns passed down from generations. 

    Practice on clients. 

    Mentoring students during the practices

    In depth understanding of living in flow and in the present moment.

    Practicing and teaching breath work (pranayama) and movement practices

    In depth teachings on Manifesting in flow and living the life of your dreams’

    Going over natural laws as it applies to living in flow, manifesting potential and increased life force

  • Date TBA

    Review all of the above and have clients practice a full session on each other as I observe and mentor each one. 

    Have students hand in their reports and findings of the 3 outside clients they have been working on outside of class

    End of class: Students will be able to successfully teach their clients how to be in flow, reduce stress, manifest the life of their dreams, increase life force, teach meditation, teach and demonstrate pranayama,  teach how to eat for vitality and reduction of disease, and drastically reduce limiting fear patterns and habits to life affirming and  a high vibrational life living in the power of now.

Coaches - Monthly Thursdays 6-8pm

  • Paula Lazaroff


    June 19th & September 11th

    You will learn:

    the practice and science of breath work and how to teach simple and effective techniques to your clients to support their growth and vitality.

    Pranayama means both guiding and expanding life force. Through the practices you and your clients will

    - understand how to increase the life force that weaves through every system of your body.

    -experience shifting from the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and restore).

    -strengthen your awareness of your mind thoughts, your emotions and your subtle energy body.

    -learn to regulate your nervous system, balance the brain states, boost the immune system and alchemize discordant energy.

    -grow your connection to your limitless self.

    Pranayama is one of the most accessible ways to shift out of the busy, stressed mind into a more relaxed state. The techniques you will learn are simple yet powerful and have stood the test of time. We breathe 22,000 times and each breath is a bridge to a more conscious, vital and peaceful journey.

    read BIO

  • Jenny Leigh


    July 24th & TBA

    You will learn:

    *live life to the connection & food Mother Earth gives us

    *Food can be a way for energy for life

    *Infusing food and hydration with bioscalar, natural law, high vibration and rhythm

    *live a life free from inflammation

    *enjoying the sweet nectar of life

    *preparing food in flow

    *working with food in conscious connected manner

    *bringing to mantra and sacred geometric patterns to your food

    *eating the rainbow

    *connecting it to the consciousness of everything

    *living life on the vine

    *personal consults on how to eat for your energy field

    read BIO

  • Andrea Deveau-Cabral


    August 7th & TBA

    You will learn:

    1. Bioscalar Activation Meditation with the specific intention to prepare for movement of all kinds. We do this by rooting into the Schulman resonance of the earth, embodying nature, and shifting from stress brain and judgment into the compassionate observer. We’ll show how this applies to Running, Dance, Yoga Flow, Creative Movement, Weight Lifting, Cross Training, Swimming etc. We’ll explore what it means to move with rhythm, flow, intention, joy, and compassion however you choose to move.

    2. What it means to move in a way that regenerates and charges up life force energy, igniting the photons in the cells. To move through resistance, and find what path of movement lights you up. How we get to that waking meditative state athletes call “the zone”. That “I could dance all night effortlessly” feeling. Rhythmically generating energy for optimal performance.

    3. Movement to release and process through emotions (emotions are “energy in motion”)

    4. How rhythmic, connected movement helps to release fascial patterning, gets lymphatic system flowing, increases blood flow, is harmonizing and soothing to the nervous system. Releases endorphins.

    5. The Natural Laws and Yamas & Niyamas as they apply to movement that ignites rhythm and sparks radiant life force energy.

    6. Movement without fear and projected limitations.

    7. The importance of conscious aware breathing with movement. How to use the breath to fuel and support movement. How to use the breath to receive vital messages from the body, create more spaciousness and move energy.

    8. The Power and Grace of movement. Moving with and embodying Nature the way “the beings that dance where the Earth meets the Sky” do.

    read BIO

In Person and Online - Prerequisite 200Hr RYT

with Master Energy Healer Lisa Ishwari Murphy - LMT, DD, HP, RMT, TBW, ERYT 500

100Hr Kundalini Yoga Training

2024-2025 - Six Month Program meeting on select weekends with additional support calls & sessions

Jan 11 - 6-8pm & Jan 12, 11am-5pm

Feb 15 - 6-8pm & Feb 16, 11am-5pm

April 12-13 - 11am-5pm

May 31-June 1 - 11am-5pm

Aug 2-3 - 11am-5pm

Sept 27-28, 11am-5pm

Sva Ha Academy - 675 Orchard St, New Bedford, MA 02744

Kundalini Yoga is a form of yoga that combines physical postures (asanas), dynamic breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, the use of sacred sound frequencies, and the chanting of mantras to awaken the latent spiritual energy called Kundalini. This energy is resides at the base of the spine in a coiled state, like a serpent. The goal of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken this energy and allow it to rise up through the body's chakras, or energy centers, leading to greater spiritual awareness and personal transformation. As consciousness expands, Siddhis such as heightened intuition, telepathy, healing abilities, and profound insight into the nature of reality can emerge. This practice emphasizes the importance of self-mastery, humility, and the use of such abilities for the greater good. During this unique Kundalini Yoga Training, we will be connecting to the Ley Lines of the Earth by tapping into the Earth's natural energy grid, composed of powerful energetic pathways that crisscross the globe. These ley lines link sacred sites such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and other ancient structures, creating a network of high-vibrational energy. By attuning to these ley lines, one can harmonize with the Earth’s electromagnetic field and access its healing and spiritual energies. Meditative practices, energy work, and sacred rituals performed along these lines will help us align our personal energies with the planet’s natural rhythms, enhancing grounding, intuition, and connection to universal consciousness. Of particular importance in Kundalini Yoga are the Dragon Ley Lines which refer to powerful energy currents which flow like the path of a serpent or dragon, weaving across the land in winding, spiral-like patterns. Dragons symbolize guardianship of hidden wisdom and potent energy. In Chinese Feng Shui, these Dragon Lines represent the Earth's vital life force, influencing the landscape’s harmony and prosperity, connecting sacred mountains, rivers, and temples.

The information in this course, channeled through Lisa Ishwari Murphy, will be transmitted through oral transmission. Everyone will receive a written manual as well.

Key Components of Kundalini Yoga:

  1. Kriyas: These are specific sets of actions that combine physical postures, breathing, and mantras. Each kriya has a particular purpose, such as boosting energy, promoting self-awareness, or clearing blockages in the energy system.

  2. Pranayama: Breathing techniques are central to Kundalini Yoga. The breath is seen as a vital tool to channel energy, calm the mind, and stimulate the flow of Kundalini energy. Techniques like Breath of Fire (a rapid, rhythmic breath) and Long Deep Breathing are commonly used.

  3. Mantras: Sound and vibration play a crucial role in Kundalini Yoga. Mantras, like "Sat Nam" (which means "truth is my identity") or "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" (used to tune into one's inner wisdom), are chanted to focus the mind and elevate consciousness.

  4. Meditation: Meditation is a core aspect of Kundalini Yoga, helping practitioners quiet the mind and access deeper states of consciousness. Kundalini meditations are often focused on healing, clearing the subconscious mind, or connecting with the divine.

  5. Mudras and Bandhas: Specific hand positions (mudras) and body locks (bandhas) are used to direct the flow of energy within the body. For example, the "Gyan Mudra" (thumb and index finger touching) is used to promote wisdom and knowledge.

The Purpose of Kundalini Yoga:

The primary goal of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the Kundalini energy and elevate consciousness. It is said to provide:

  • Spiritual Awakening: By activating the Kundalini energy, practitioners experience a deep connection with their true self and higher consciousness.

  • Mental Clarity: Kundalini Yoga helps clear subconscious blocks, reduce stress, and improve mental focus.

  • Physical Vitality: The practice strengthens the nervous system, improves flexibility, and balances the endocrine system.

  • Emotional Balance: Kundalini Yoga encourages emotional healing, reduces fear, and enhances inner peace.

Kundalini Yoga is deeply spiritual and works on the mind, body, and spirit. It is sometimes referred to as the "Yoga of Awareness" due to its emphasis on self-awareness, higher consciousness, and inner transformation.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - 100 Hour Course Outline

1. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

  • History and Origins

    • Roots in ancient Vedic traditions

    • Kundalini Yoga to the West by Yogi Bhajan

  • Philosophy of Kundalini Yoga

    • The meaning of "Kundalini" and "Shakti" energy

    • Kundalini and the Chakra System

    • Purpose: Awakening inner energy for self-transformation and spiritual elevation

2. Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Practice

  • Kriya and Asana Practice

    • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (sets of exercises)

    • Key Asanas in Kundalini practice and their benefits

    • Proper alignment, modifications, and sequencing

  • Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)

    • Importance of breath in Kundalini Yoga

    • Various pranayama techniques (e.g., Breath of Fire, Long Deep Breathing, Sitali Pranayama)

    • The relationship between breath, energy, and consciousness

  • Mantra and Sound

    • The role of mantras and chanting in Kundalini Yoga

    • Key mantras (e.g., Sat Nam, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo)

    • Nada Yoga: The science of sound vibration

3. Kundalini Yoga and the Subtle Body

  • Chakras and Energy Centers

    • In-depth study of the 7 primary chakras

    • The 10 bodies in Kundalini Yoga philosophy

    • Techniques to awaken and balance the chakras through kriyas and meditations

  • Kundalini Energy & Nadis

    • Concept of Kundalini energy as the dormant spiritual power within

    • Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadis: The energetic pathways

    • The awakening process: Rising of Kundalini energy

4. Yogic Lifestyle and Ethics

  • The 3 Pillars of Kundalini Yoga Lifestyle

    • Sadhana (Daily spiritual practice)

    • Seva (Selfless service)

    • Simran (Meditation and recitation of mantra)

  • Yogic Diet

    • Principles of sattvic (pure) diet

    • Foods that enhance Kundalini energy and clarity of mind

  • Ethical Guidelines for Teachers

    • The role and responsibility of a Kundalini Yoga teacher

    • Code of ethics: Compassion, humility, integrity, and service

5. Meditation Techniques in Kundalini Yoga

  • Active and Passive Meditation Styles

    • Dynamic meditations (movement, breathwork)

    • Silent meditations and mindfulness techniques

  • Meditation for Self-Healing and Transformation

    • Using meditation to release subconscious blocks

    • Techniques for overcoming fear, anxiety, and stress

  • Guided Meditation Practices

    • Meditations for specific intentions (e.g., prosperity, healing, intuition)

    • Antar Naad, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, and other powerful Kundalini meditations

6. Kundalini Yoga and Sound Healing

  • The Power of Gong and Sound Vibration

    • Introduction to sound healing through gong, bowls, and other instruments

    • How sound impacts the nervous system and energy body

  • Incorporating Sound into Kundalini Yoga Classes

    • Techniques for integrating sound healing during relaxation and meditation

    • Selecting mantras and sound healing tools for various class themes

Synergy of Sound™ Advanced Sound Conductor Certification

with Master Energy Healer Lisa Ishwari Murphy

Dates TBA

Sva Ha Academy at Power & Grace Yoga

675 Orchard Street, New Bedford, MA 

Join us for an immersive journey into the world of sound and vibration. This advanced training delves into the intricate connections between sound and crystal grids, Earth energies, chakras, and ley lines. Participants will explore the frequencies of the root chakra and the universal laws of rhythm, polarity, and vibration, learning to anchor the energies of heaven and earth. In this class, we will focus on releasing trauma through sound, understanding the elements, sacred geometry, and the science of cymatics. Discover the power of seed syllables and how to tap into the luminous energy body, including the chakras, meridians, and nadis, to activate life force. Additionally, we will explore the Akashic field, enhancing our communication and healing capabilities using generating tools and crystal grids. This training is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding and practice of sound healing, offering tools and techniques to tap into the full spectrum of our energetic and vibrational potential. 

Be Light in Grief

Conscious Grieving for Self-Empowerment, Growth and Healing

Meet Suffering as the Light

A New Paradigm of Integrative Energy Medicine

This new paradigm of energy medicine as integrative medicine is about working with an individual's higher coherent frequencies to re-ignite life force energy, so a person may reclaim experiences of joy, appreciation, and vitality. Conscious grieving helps us to surrender into grief rather than collapse under it, meeting suffering as the light. In this course, students will gain an understanding of non-pharmaceutical energetic and rhythmic practices, that can be used alongside traditional western healthcare treatments.

Weekend Program - Dates TBA

Lisa Ishwari Murphy, LMT, HP, DD, EYT