Channeling Through the Ancient Art of Oral Transmission

Co-directed by

Nicole Pepin & Amy Knox

Channeling Through the Ancient Art of Oral Transmission is a deeply rooted and specialized practice, created by Sva Ha Academy Founder Lisa Ishwari Murphy.

This mastery branch holds a laser beam focus on Connecting  into Streams of Consciousness & the Akashic field while channeling the wisdom of the Ancient Oracles, & igniting the radiant life force energy within. Oral Transmission is a language supported by life force energy that's rhythmic, enlivened, and connected to the natural origins of the spoken word. It is spoken from a place of meditation, embodiment, pulsing energy, and source.  

We will teach about going deeper into the understanding that consciousness moves in both form and formlessness by traveling the lay lines of the universe and igniting the Scalar and Bio Scalar energy. These teaching are based on the Oral Transmissions of Lisa Ishwari Murphy. Lisa has been connecting into these streams of consciousness through the Universal formulas and nature since age 7.  She was initiated into the streams of consciousness by original peoples.

We will also be teaching to empower the empath and channel through our inner Oracle self, the seer while connected to the light of the Earth & Source, as above as below. Students will experience an activation life force and in all intuitive gifts, connect into their soul observer, and connect into the Akashic field, where one can access info and memories through every lifetime that have ever lived. As oracle oral transmitters and channelers of energy, we can read the energetic field of another accessing and awakening beings to their souls blueprint, missions, release obstacles, explore prophetic messages & more.

Required Reading: The Biology of Belief : Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton

The Whole Elephant Revealed: Insights into the existence and operation of Universal Laws and the Golden Ratio by Marja de Vries

Nicole Pepin

CO-DIRECTOR - Energy Medicine, Synergy of Sound & The Ancient Art of Channeling

Owner - Light of a Hundred Thousand Suns

One of Nicole's greatest passions in life is liberating people. She loves to see people free of limitations and is inspired to find creative conscious solutions.She enjoys living a  radiant, ignited life with balance, sound, rhythm, flow, light body, and absolutely loves animals. Her own pups have a special place in her heart as well as in the healing space. Macie has a truly inspirational healing journey of her which helped pave the way for Nikki working with animals. 

Nikki has a foundational background in natural law, conscious hypnotherapy practices, energy medicine, crystal energy, synergy of sound healing, reiki infused with bioscalar energy, embodiment, meditation, transformational bodywork, Sva Ha Yoga, shamanic healing, energy for life coaching, past lives, oral transmission, & more. 

She specializes in Oral Transmission and the Ancient of Art of Channeling, Energy Medicine, & Synergy of Sound Healing through Sva Ha Yoga & the Synergy of Sound Training Academy. Through the teachings she has found her voice to be one of her greatest gifts and uses it as a healing tool to shift energy. 

Nikki has been an active student of Lisa Ishwari Murphy of Fairhaven Healing Arts, as well the Sva Ha Yoga & Synergy of Sound Training Academy. All of the wisdom was taught  to Nicole by Lisa Murphy through the ancient streams of consciousness and teachings rooted in natural law known as Oral Transmission including Bon Po, & Q'ero, initiations. She also has  300 hrs towards her 500 YTT through Lisa Ishwari Murphy who founded Sva Ha Yoga & the Synergy of Sound Training Academy co taught by directors, Andrea DeVeau & Neil Cabral of Power Grace Yoga located in New Bedford, MA.

Through this journey, Nicole has transformed her entire life and her animals lives with the guidance and mentorship of Lisa Murphy and support of the Shambhalla community, along with the teachings of natural law & conscious practices. Her life shifted from high anxiety, hopelessness, and chronic physical pain into a light, free, joyous life. She lives a life of purpose and passion with radiant health. Nicole offers this invitation of freedom & liberation to others as part of life's purpose.

Amy Knox

FACULTY - Energy Medicine & Shamanic Practices

Owner - Messenger of Your Soul’s Blueprint

Your soul's blueprint is the arrangement of your sacred plan and life purpose that you came into this world to experience. When we incarnate on this Earth, the exact time we are born is noted with all of the information about our soul. A Soul Blueprint is a collection of this information. Searching out your Soul Blueprint can help you bring much-needed clarity into your life, or provide you with the correct information from the Universe that you are on the right path.


  • Intro to Oral Transmission

    Oral transmission is the ancient art of channeling through the living word. It is consciously connecting and speaking from enlivened, rhythmic language by energetically tracking the words back to their roots and origins .

    In Oral transmission Intro students will learn the art of:

    Consciously connect with the energetic fields

    Bio scalar energy and scalar energy

    Rooting into the pulse of the Earth

    Using the voice as a healing tool

    Releasing of limited beliefs

    Imagination and embodiment

    Natural Law

    Accessing the akashic field

    Shifting from external to internal

    Throat chakra activation

    Lisa Ishwari Murphy has been initiated into the stream of consciousness by original peoples, and has been consciously connected in communicating since the age of seven.

  • Oral Transmission I

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching

    In this class students will learn the teachings of Ancient Oracles via oral transmission. By connecting into streams of consciousness through the elements and Natural Law, information is received from all conscious unified energies. Oral Transmission is a language supported by life force energy that's rhythmic, enlivened, and connected to the natural origins of the spoken word. It is expressed from a place of meditation, embodiment, pulsing energy & source.

    This class was orally transmitted to Nicole Pepin & Amy Knox through their teacher and mentor, Master Energy Healer, Lisa Ishwari Murphy LMT, DD, HP, RMT, TBW, ERYT 50, has been initiated into the streams of consciousness by original peoples. She has been connecting into these streams through the Universal formulas and nature since age 7.

  • Oral Transmission II

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching, Oral Transmission Intro & I

    In this class students will learn the teachings of Ancient Oracles via oral transmission. By connecting into streams of consciousness through the elements and Natural Law. Oral Transmission is a language supported by life force energy that's rhythmic, enlivened, and connected to the natural origins of the spoken word. It is expressed from a place of meditation, embodiment, pulsing energy & source.

    Students will be deepening the art of:

    Anchoring to the life force that lives in everything

    Speaking from Streams of Consciousness

    Microcosm Macrocosm

    Connecting the origins and roots of the words through energetic tracking

    Gift of Prophecy

    Reading the luminous energy fields

    Sacred Sound Tools

    Rhythmic Speaking from the Now

    Shifting energy through the voice

    In depth wisdom on BioScalar & Scalar Energy

    Sacred Geometric Patternings

    Releasing Obstacles from the field

    Understanding our Cosmology

    Seed Sounds

  • Connecting into the Oracles Intro

    The Earth is known as the first oracle, the original seer, her name is Gaia. The Soul of the Earth. We are connected to the light of Gaia, her vortexes, root systems, and ley lines. As oracles once rooted, then we rise to the Akashic where each soul resides and the memories of every lifetime you have ever lived can be accessed bringing sight to the seer.

    Nicole & Amy will be bringing rhythm and flow, conscious communication, and unified connection back to the oracle through the formula of natural law and the teachings of Lisa Ishwari Murphy.

    Students will learn the art of:

    Channeling the Oracle way

    Imagination, Embodiment

    Tapping into Akashic field & connection to healing temple.

    Bringing harmonic resonance

    Accessing conscious observer & compassionate witnessing

    Releasing programed observer and limitations

    Accessing the Frontal Lobe & Mystical Brain

    Introducing the Sound hologram multidimensional experience

    Natural Law

    Accessing the light of Gaia

    Rooting into the origins of the seer

    Bringing the light of truth back into messages and visions

    Bioscalar & Scalar Energy & more.

  • Ancient Art of Channeling Intro

    Nicole and Amy will be empowering the empath and channeler to stay awake, clear, enlivened, rooted, rhythmic, & pure, while consciously connecting with spirit. Through this process, they will also be helping students to awakening and strengthening their natural gifts of conscious communication.

    Students will learn the art of:

    Bioscalar & Scalar

    Releasing of empathic limitations

    Empowering messages

    Natural Law with laser beam focus on attention, rhythm, vibration, correspondence

    Understanding the subtle energy body

    Connected with unified guides

    Art of Surrender

    Channeling with activated life force

    Oracles of Delphi

    Sacred Sound Support

    Wisdom Origins

    Sacred Sound Healing Tools

    Spiral of Time

  • Ancient Art of Channeling Intermediate

    Students will learn the art of & deepen their practices:

    Activating all Clairs

    Reading the Energy field

    Energy Discernment

    Projection/ Judgement vs Truth

    Harmonizing spiritual tools cards, pendulums etc.

    Releasing limited beliefs/myths

    Recognizing the conscious witness

    Deities, Angels, Guides & attributes

    Channeling in the streams of consciousness

    What is unified energy, what is not


    Increasing energy while channeling

    Natural law & foundations

    Sacred Sound

    Channeling from high coherent frequency

  • Oracle Intermediate: Ancient Art of Remembering

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching , Ancient Art of Channeling

    Releasing limited beliefs

    Importance of Remembering

    Understanding the energetic properties of truth in messages

    Law of Transmutation

    Shifting Dense Frequency to Light

    Igniting circuitry of the part of the brain that is unused

    Science of Mystical Brain

    Art of Surrender

    Accessing High Frequency

    Reclaiming your wisdom

    Understanding paradigm roles


    Delivering a message at its purest form

    Benefits of staying awake, conscious, & connected

  • Oracle Intermediate: Way of Initiates, Initiations

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching, Intro to Oracles

    Initiation is about committing , it is an unveiling process into the cosmology, streams of consciousness into a greater communication process, consciously communicating to form and formlessness.

    Students will deeper the art of:

    Accessing and reading conscious fields.

    Understand a luminous energy field as a light body

    Embodying the Pulse

    Drum & Sacred Sound Tools

    Spiritual discernment of unified energies & guides.

    Law of Attention , keeping attention focused.

    Power of intention & attention

    Embodying the words and moving them into the origins.

    Clearing the Throat Chakra & Activation it

    Speaking through conscious communication with rhythm

    Energy in form & formlessness

    Unveiling Real & unreal

    Moving Inward

    Tapping into the Healing Temple

    Accessing the ancient soul of the Earth

  • Past Lives Recognition Intro

    Nicole and Amy will guide beings with Intentions of accessing lives to receive your gifts (siddihs) powers of consciousness in your being, resolve trauma and conflict, & come into completion with lessons, and healing.

    Students will learn the art of:

    Traveling to Akashic Records & Silver Cord

    Meeting the keepers of the record

    The connection between the cells and akashic

    Accessing as above so below.

    Witnessing of the life times and records

    Intention is to increase life force and awakened state.

    Connecting to intuition and living an intuitively guided life.

    Life Purpose

    Third eye activation


    Journeying through the trinity of time

    Natural Law

    Resolving conflict

  • Past Lives Recognition I

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching

    We are a cosmology, an ecosystem. When we liberate, everything around us liberates.

    Learn to move beings into their ultimate freedom and liberation from limiting patterns and belief systems by accessing the subconscious mind via cellular memory and tracking oppressive energies to their true origins.

    Guide your clients on a journey to break free from fears and phobias by accessing your lifetimes and live their most optimal life.

    Students will learn the art of:

    Cord Cutting

    Liberation from a place of light

    Trauma Release

    Spiral of Time

    Accessing Subconscious with full conscious witnessing

    Cellular Memory & the Akashic Field

    Tracking to Origins

    Freeing up Blocked Life Force

    Awakening & Releasing

    Traversing Energetic Frequencies

    Shamanic Based Practices

    Awaken Gifts

    Bioscalar Activation

    Law of Transmutation

    Law of Correspondence

    Releasing the brain from looping patterns

  • Past Lives II

    Prerequisites required: Energy Medicine I & II or 200hr Sva Yoga Teacher Training, or Energy of Life Coaching, Past Lives I

    Deepen your Liberation Skills! We will be accessing your most healed ancestor and inviting healing to any wounded ancestors in your lineage by understanding the multidimensions of the Akashic Field and releasing the concepts of role paradigm.

    Students will deepen the art of:

    Liberation from a place of light

    Liberating Ancestral Lineage

    Trauma Release

    Spiral of Time

    Accessing Subconscious with full conscious witnessing

    Cellular Memory & the Akashic Field

    Tracking to Origins

    Freeing up Blocked Life Force

    Awakening & Releasing

    Traversing Energetic Frequencies

    Natural Law

    Awaken Gifts

    Bioscalar Activation & DNA

    Law of Transmutation

    Law of Correspondence

    Law of Oneness

    Releasing the brain from looping patterns

    Aspects of Soul Retrieval

  • Advanced Ancient Art of Oracle Transfiguration

    Co-Directed & Guided by Nicole Pepin & Amy Knox